Wednesday, 19 June 2013

How to turn your Samsung Galaxy S3 4G into a Wi-Fi Hotspot

How to turn your Samsung Galaxy S3 4G into a Wi-Fi Hotspot and share it's internet on your other wireless devices, eg: smart TV, Tablet or Laptops.

'Personal Hotspot' (also known as Tethering) is a feature that enables some Postpaid Mobile phones to work as a mobile broadband modem to connect your PC or up to 3 devices to the 


There are no additional costs, but you should bear in mind that the usage will come out of your plan's included data. If your plan does not include any data or you go over your post paid 

plan's data allowance, you'll be charged at excess/casual browsing rates, which can get expensive. To avoid bill shock you can monitor your usage through My Account or supplement 

your data allowance with a Data Value-Add.

Most phone manufacturers provide the preloaded settings/software that enable tethering and it’s recommended to use your manufacturer's software before altering these settings.
Please make sure you keep an eye on your data usage through My Account.

How to crete a WiFi Hotspot on your Samsung Galaxy S3 4G:

1: Goto Your Phones Settings:

2: Select More Settings:

3: Select Tethering and portable Hotspot

4: Enable Portable WiFi hotspot

5: Select OK

6: Wait for a second while your phone is
Enabling the portable WiFi hotspot

7: As you can see, the AndroidAP active appears below. That’s the default SSID 
and you can change it by selecting Portable Wi-Fi hotspot

8: Select ‘Configure’ to give your new Hotspot 
a personal Name

9: Just type-in your desired SSID (network Name) in my case
It’s ‘GohM Network’

10: Leave Security as ‘WPA2 PSK’,
Select the Password Field and type in a Strong Password
Like: “d675a11fd274” and Save

11: Your Phone is now Enabling portable Wi-Fi hotspot

12: And all is done

13: Simply search, with the device you like to connect to the Internet
find the ‘GohM-Network’ and fill in the above used password to use
your phones internet connection. 

*Note: Keep the password secret.It is only educational purpose.I am not responsible any missuse and damage.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type

Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type

This is an amazing trick to amaze your friends.By using this trick you can make your computer to speak whatever you type.This trick is working on all microsoft operating system and does not require any programming skills.You have to follow just simple steps and your own Text to Voicesoftware will be ready.If you show this software to any of your friends he will be certainly impressed with you .

Ok,the trick is fairly simple and requires only 3 simple steps from your side.Let’s Begin the tutorial with screenshots to Make Your Computer Speak Whatever You Type

1.Open Notepad and copy and paste the following code into it

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

2.Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs at your desktop.
3.Now double click on speak.vbs type in the box whatever you want your computer to speak for you.

Its a really funny trick to impress everybody with your computer skills
Note:The Above code has been Corrected and now its working.

Friday, 17 May 2013

How To Repair Corrupted File In Windows Manually

How to Repair Corrupted File in Windows Manually

Are you getting system errors while running windows operating system or start up? Does your windows file display message re-install or windows file errors? Does viruses has corrupted your system files? Does your important windows files got deleted? Most important your shortcuts and windows programs are not working properly? Does your registry got corrupted and displaying registry errors? I know its quite irritating when you got such error message in middle or start up. Most guys think that external software's and formatting system can only solve such problems. If you are one of them, i will prove that you all are wrong and we can repair our system as perfect new one without installing any new software or formatting windows system. We can repair our system in less than 5 minutes and most amazing thing is that i will explain you manual method of doing that. So friends, today i am going to explain you How to repair corrupted system files in windows manually. For repairing system, you just need to know windows inbuilt tools that almost 99% of guys doesn't know as windows never focused on that feature. 
I have also explained another method in my previous post "How to fix corrupt files in windows". So today i am explaining a new manual methods to fix windows errors andrepairing system files.Yesterday i was browsing my sytem32 folder in windows and checking some executable. I was very curious what these executable do and in fulfillment of my curiousness i found something really awesome that will make you all of them crazy. I founder something called"webfldrs" and you all will be amazed to see what it serves. Its absolutely serves for different purpose as its name suggests. This windows executable repairs everything in windows system. Its has several features listed below:1. Repairs all detected reinstall problems.2. Verify and repair registry entries for user windows programs.3. Validates the shortcuts.4. Reinstall if the file is missing, or an older version exists.5. Reinstall if file has different version.6. Reinstall the dll or exe if file has different or invalid checksum.7. Verify local registry entries are present and repair if not.

Guys can you make a guess which of the above features i like most?? I love 5 and 6 feature the most? Why?? Answer is quite tricky but easy to guess. Reinstall if file has different version, or different check sum or invalid check sum. What the hell is this checksum.. Aha..... Checksum is the technique or method to verify the integrity of file. When Microsoft has designed exe or dll or simply a file they have calculated a checksum parameter. Now when some virus infects that file or attach itself to it, what happens is that, its value of checksum changes(as checksum calculation is based on bits, as extra code is added to it so its size surely gonna increase and number of bits involved will also change). So you now come to know why i like 5 and 6 points. If still not, guys they fixes the windows system files that viruses has infected or corrupted. That was the background as i want to teach you hacking not just wanna make you script kiddie. So lets learn how to repair corrupted system files in windows manually.
Steps to repair or fix windows manually:1. Go to drive in which you have installed operating system. In my case its C drive. 2. There you will see a Windows folder. Go to Windows folder and then enter into system32 folder. Now there go down and search for webFldrs file.Here is complete path:C:\WINDOWS\system32\webfldrs.msi


t:3. Open WebFldrs file by double click it, you will see something like below snapshot

4.Now a window will pop up.Select all the options as shown below the click on OK.

5.Now after you click OK,you are back to previous window.There Click on reinstall as shown below.

Click on reinstall to repair windows file system.

6.When you click on that you will see below windows of repairing your files.This may take  20sec to 5minutes depending on your systems condition.

Repairing files windows.

Repair has been completed.

7.That's all Enjoy all of you.

Share Your File Anywhere Without Uploading

Share Your File Anywhere Without Uploading

1. firstly you visit Click Browse to select you files, which you want to transfer.2. As soon as select your file, it will generate a unique url which you have to give to other person with  whom you  are sharing that files.After can give him via email or chatting.3. (For 2nd user) the pc on the receiving end of this file transfer must go this unique url and click download to transfer file from PC to PC (Direct  Connection)

How To Install Windows 7 From USB Drive

How To Install Windows 7 From USB Drive

Go to Start Menu>All Programs>Accessories,right click on Command Prompt & select Run as Administrator

Now type diskpart and press Enter

Next type Lis Disk command and note down the Disk number of your USB flash drive. Select disk 1

Now you can use following commands step by step


create partition primary

select partition 1


format fs=ntfs



Now insert your Windows7/Windows 8 DVD in your CD/DVD drive and check the drive letter of the DVD drive and note down the “drive letter” of your DVD drive. In my case, it is “j:” Now type the following list of commands as shown below:
J:  cd boot   (Where “j” is my DVD drive letter).
cd boot 
bootsect.exe /nt60 h:    (Where “h” is my USB drive letter) 

Copy your Windows 7 DVD content to the USB Flash Drive.
Your USB Drive is ready to boot & install windows 7.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Mobile Camera Use As Webcam

Mobile As Webcam

wireless cameraactually costs higher that I was unable to afford. Later this thing came in my mind. Why can’t I turn my Bluetooth enabled cell phone in to wireless webcam?

After doing several researches, I finally hit the success. That’s why I would like to share this to you too. To turn my cell phone in to wireless webcam I needed only extra ...thing that is Bluetooth adapter for my desktop. I purchased it from the local market.

Let’s summarize things you’ll need:

-Cell phone with java, Bluetooth and camera in it.

-Bluetooth adapter for desktop


-Software that will turn your phone in to wireless webcam

Now lets begin with the tutorial.

Download and install Smart Cam V1.5 for your desktop. Now again download the favorable cell phone software from here. If you have symbian OS in your cell phone then download the correct symbian version, or you can download the java version as well. After downloading install it to your cell phone.

Now you’ll need to pair your Cell phone with computer from Bluetooth.

Run smart cam program in windows. And open smart cam in your cell phone as well.

In windows, choose Bluetooth as the connection in Files>settings.

In cell phone select connect and choose the Computer device in range.

Remember your PC must be visible to everyone in order to detect the PC by cell phone.

If everything went well, you’ll be seeing through cell phone’s camera in your computer.

You can use it as webcam in instant messengers like hotmail and yahoo.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Make Money Online With IPMT-FMS

It's Scam Now.Don't Invest...

IPMT Investment Opportunity

In this post i am going to tell you about IPMT-FMS.It is best and trusted HYIP .I have make a lot of money.Now I am sharing With You.

Some High Lights
  1. Registered Company
  2. Real Business
  3. On Time Payments 

Online Investment Plans

 You can make money with IPMT Fund Management Company, they offer wide range of investment options from small investors to professionals. You don’t need to have knowledge about Forex Trading, Stock exchange etc to join this program, No headache, Experts of this company will take care for every thing and you are ready to collect more cash , Yea Its right that “Money Makes Money” so start multiplying and your bank will thank you for this later.

1:-Emerald Fund Management Plan

If you are not new to online investment then you must already know about daily based Profitability for your investment, this plane starts from a minimum investment of $20 to maximum investment of $ 10000 for 100 Trading Days. You will be get paid daily with respect to your investment, this table will show you more details.


  2:-Sapphire Fund Management Plan

  3:- Coral Fund Management Plan

Its my favorite plan to work with, really innovative and different from typical MLM. Coral Fund Management Plan is 7 Level deep matrix and investment commission system by which you can make more money even for referring  new clients in your down line. There are two options to select Profitability and duration of investment.
  1. Instant: Its 1X3 Double Bonanza Promotional plan, where you can Refer 3 valued associates and book your profitability doubled instantly. Like if you locked 100$ funds and refer 3 clients any time, your profit will be doubled (200%), instantly.
  2. 60 Days:  Its hard to find refer? No worries they have other solutions for you. Lock a position and try to get some refer and if you failed then after 60 days, with out referring any one, your profit will be doubled means 200%

4:- Peridot Fund Management Plan

 5:-Referral Commission

 Company pay's commission up to 7 Levels for all the plans.

Level 1 : 9%
Level 2 : 3%
Level 3 : 2%

Level 4 : 1%

Level 5 : 0.5%

Level 6 : 0.25%

Level 7 : 0.25%

 The Most loving way to get paid for your efforts , so its the way how Imperial Precious Metals Trading (IPMT) work.

Don't you feel that this is right opportunity for you!!!.

Payment Methods:-

They accepted  Payza, Moneybooker, Perfect Money as the online payment processors.


All online investment companies have risk factor include, so its possible to lose your money so invest only what you can afford to lose, I do not have any direct or indirect link with this company or affiliation. Only you are responsible for all of your act.

Click Here For Registered. 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

5 Tips:How To Speed Up Internet Connection

Today is a world of Internet, Everyone want to connect each other and complete the work very fast through internet. But if your Internet connection is slow down, there are a number of methods to speed it up. All people like faster browsing but they don’t know how to speedup the speed of internet connection. There are some simple tricks to enhance your internet connection speed.

You can try below tips when you have faster internet connection and still facing slow speed while surfing: -

1.   Flush Your DNS Server Cache: -

When you use the Web it sends information to the DNS server of your internet service provider. DNS server manages a massive database that maps domain names to IP addresses. Most operating systems and DNS clients will automatically cache IP Addresses and other DNSresults, this is done in order to speed up subsequent requests to the same hostname. Sometimes bad results will be cached which slower down your internet speed and therefore need to be cleared from the cache in order for you to communicate with the host correctly.

Flushing the DNS on Windows is an easy process,
Open the command prompt (Start –> Run –> tyep CMD –> Press Enter) and type the following command and hit enter: -

ipconfig /flushdns

You will get below message.

Windows IP Configuration
Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

If you are running Mac OS X Leopard, you need to do the following.

Open up a command terminal and type the following command.

dscacheutil -flushcache

If you are running Mac OS X 10.5.1 or below, you need to run following command in command terminal.

lookupd -flushcache

Linux Flush DNS

If you are running the nscd Name Service Cache Daemon then you will need to do the following.

Open up a command terminal (either as root or run step 2 with sudo)

and run the following command.

/etc/init.d/nscd restart

2.   Delete the Temporary Internet Files and Cookies: -

If you haven’t cleared the temporary internet files and delete the cookies than also you face slow internet speed. You should delete cookies, delete temporary internet files and delete browser history at least once every month. By deleting these files you will help speed up internet and keep up your PC healthy.

3.   Close unnecessary open pages: -

Too many pages open at the same time will definitely slow down the speed of the internet. Having many pages that open means spending more energy to read what’s in the windows browser. The second aspect is that many web pages using dynamic refresh function. So even if your browser window (or tab) only one you can see, he can actually take bandwidth. The amount of memory, both RAM and video memory is also related to the amount of memory Windows will be spent by an open application

4.   Use updated browser always: - 

Using an older browser may also create slow Internet connection speed sometime. There are many websites that do not open just due to enhanced features and changes of new technology. For an instances people using Internet explorer 6 may experience not opening issue of many new websites or if opens it is very slow. Old browsers take also greater time to synchronize with new enhanced features and takes huge amount of memory and CPU usage. Sometime due to this one may experience entire Slow PC issue. So try updating your browser and keep it updated always.

5.   Use OpenDns to Enhance Internet Speed: -

OpenDns acts as an alternative to your default DNS server or your internet service provider. If the DNS server of your ISP is slow, the time it takes to resolve the web address adds up to the overall loading time of the website and slow down the web surfing.

To change from DNS server of your ISP to OpenDNS, simply add the following server addresses to your LAN and Internet connection.

Go to Network Connections > Right Click on Local Area Connection > Properties > Select Internet Protocol (TCI/IP) > Properties. A new window will open now select radio button of Use the following DNS server addresses and write down below IP in that boxes.3

Preferred DNS Server and Alternate DNS Server

How To Reactivate a Disabled Facebook Account

Facebook is a biggest social networking site at this time . we use facebook normally make new friend ,sharing and publish our business and some other reason . 
facebook always check our data when us log in /logout in facebook.
and if they found any violation they send us a warning. and many time they disable our facebook account.
and when we log in facebook we get this error message
when we get this message we send a email to inquiring about the reason that they disabled your account for (usually it’s a hater reporting your profile to be in violation of the EULA of Facebook) and explain your willingness to remove the violating content and if it was just a “clerical error” to reactivate your account.
Other accounts to “CC” in your email:
That usually does the job of getting your account back within a period of 2-5 days, depending on whether you actually had a violation or not, doesn’t that sound more like a country’s court system than a websites usage violation?
Most common reasons for Account disabling?
-Showing too much cleavage if you are a women but men can almost get away with anything — love the commitment to the status quo of society!
-Adding too many friends, too quickly, getting a warning for it and ignoring it.
-You didn’t use your real name that is on your birth certificate!
-Browsing too much of Facebook too often, mostly due to apps like Snap2Face and others like it.
and many many more!
if you don't get any reply of
you can try this trick.
and just follow some step.
step 1 -log in facebook
and click here button.
you also goes to here facebook disabled account help page 

Step 2 - after this a new page open look like this
step 3. after this 

Disabled Account Appeal-ID Request form open.

fill this form carefully.
fill this form and click submit button.
after this facebook give a reply you in 24 hours about your accont activation.
get enjoy:-

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Fixing Blackscreen problem on your Computer

 Fixing Blackscreen problem on your Computer

Alright guys, this post is to help people fix the black-screen on there computer when it starts up.
This has been tested on Windows 7.

When you power-up your computer, click any user that your on.
When you are on that user and the black-screen is there, type "CTRL"+"ALT"+"Del".
This will bring you to Taskmanager, Click "Applications" Tab then click "New Task" and type, "explorer.exe".

Problem solved.